A Thank you to all of our Veterans

When you walk into our establishment, you will see a round table set for five. It will have a neatly pressed white tablecloth with all the cutlery placed just so, along with glasses and a bottle of wine waiting to be enjoyed. There will be candles and a neatly folded American flag on top of a red leather-bound bible, indicating the importance of the party of five the table is set for. After a while, when you realize that the party never comes to claim their table, you may ask yourself how could such important people be late to their dinner party. What if I told you they were never coming? What if I told you that the brave souls this table was set for died so that you and I could enjoy the everyday freedoms that we get to experience? This table is our Missing Man table. A table set for the soldiers who didn't get to come home to their families. Soldiers that didn't live to enjoy the freedoms they so valiantly fought for. They gave their lives for our country, so we set the table for those who are missing but not forgotten.

Outback Steakhouse and Oyster Bar takes great pride in honoring our veterans by offering a 15% discount to all those who've served or are currently serving our country. We also know that the support and sacrifices the immediate family of those who serve are immeasurable so for that, we want to thank you with the same 15% discount when accompanied by your veteran.  Although we ask that your veteran be present to receive our discount, please know that if your veteran is seated at our missing man table we will accept having your fallen soldiers military ID in their place. Our nation would not be what it is today without all you brave men and women fighting for us and it would be our honor if you would visit and sign our wall even if you are unable to join us for dinner.

Thank you and God Bless!